By Popular Demand: María Elvira LIFFFEEE!!!!

¡A Frank Calzon le da una Perreta en Televisión porque le preguntaron con qué compra el Jamón!
¡Si se pone pesao La diva le mete una Galleta!

Frank Calzon from the old guard of the Miami Tira Tiro Brigade to Joe García: “You HAVE TO listen to ME“, Exactly, that’s how we want an “advocate” for Democracy in Cuba to express himself! We are NOT getting involved in the Florida Congressional elections and their Magic Chads. We want to live! However political analysts should consider this: With all the hard work and support from the influential Cuban Community in National. yes NATIONAL elections, this display of arrogance from conservatives will eventually hurt Congressman Diaz-Balart, and he might have to campaign hard this time to beat his democratic opponent. Just an opinion. Please don’t send me any e mails about this. Let’s be very clear-one more time-We support ALL Cuban-Americans in Florida and anywhere else who make an effort against the genocidal Communist regime in Cuba and its extremist and reactionary media. We are strong supporters of La Diva and Agente Otto! Our very own agent 007! ¡Viva Cuba Libre!

La Diva le Suena la Galleta

Hey Guys and Gals, get ready cause the Diva is here again. By popular demand this segment of her program where an old Cuban guy has a nervous breakdown on TV because he’s questioned about the salary he receives and where it comes from. You see, he doesn’t want to say on TV where does his check comes from. Watch him leave the studio and get crazy: He comes across as a George Bush supporter. It also gives us a chance to show you The Diva herself in action: Maria Elvira and…her hair have been the cause of car accidents in the streets of South West Miami. Enjoy! And remember the Great Patriotic Celebrations will begin soon at!

Don’t miss the latest on María Elvira LIFFFEEEE! at

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