It’s Over! On to Washington! YES WE CAN! Congratulations Tilo Rivas!

MSNBC Fair and Balanced!
Velorio at CNN! The most biased pro-Clinton, denigrated and unreliable news organization in the world!
Fox News lost millions of viewers on this primary election! Sean Hannity lost his credibility!

New Jersey loses out: Senator Robert Menendez and High Tax Corzine left their hearts with the Clintons!


Big Party at! Yes We Can! After decisive victories in more than half the states senator Barack Obama clinched the democratic nomination tonight, liberating the country from the scourge of evil and taking it in a new direction that will place our generation in a position of responsibility and Change We Can Believe IN!

The only question is: What Mental Institution will Treat Hillary?!

Congratulations to Our County Freeholder, Tilo
Rivas, for a Great Victory Tonight! Yes We Can!

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