Citgo Oil: Keeping Hope Alive for America’s Enemies

If you stop at a gas station with the sign that the ass below is holding, you’re pumping money into the terrorist international movement. Hugo Chavez, sole owner of Citgo Oil, uses millions of dollars to help Castro’s communist dictatorship, Daniel Ortega’s communist pachanga, Cristina Kirchner’s immorality and corruption, Evo Morales’ reign of terror that is destroying Bolivia one coca leaf at a time, socialist puppet Rafael Correa, et al. The money also serves to support Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The money you are paying Citgo Oil goes directly to Chavez’s Venezuela repression machine. Citgo Oil has recently launched a campaign to disseminate their propaganda, varnished with the scent of humanism. This campaign is aimed directly at your wallet. The truth is that Citgo Oil funds all campaigns that struggle to eliminate this great country. When you see the sign “Citgo”, we ask you to please go to any other gas station, but don’t buy gas from this ass.

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