Student Uses Facebook to Organize Massive NJ High School Walkout

The destructive educational policies of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie begin to take its toll: Thousands of students participated in a walkout today and another massive walkout is expected tomorrow

Thousands of New Jersey high school students participated in a walkout today in protest of recent education cuts — all because of a call to action on Facebook.

The event was organized by 18-year-old Michelle Ryan Lauto — a Pace University student who once attended high school in New Jersey. Lauto decided to take action after Governor Chris Christie announced that he would be cutting $820 million in educational funding for next year, according to the Hartford Courant.

Nearly 15,000 students RSVP’d “Yes” via Facebook, but we’re not sure how many actually participated — still, sources like The Star Ledger report that students from several schools joined in the walkout.


~ by Rafael Martel on April 27, 2010.

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